What’s New?

  • [Sep. 2024] Paper on the vulnerability of ID matching in multi-object tracking is accepted by ACSAC 2024. Congrats to Chenyi!
  • [Jul. 2024] Paper on differentially-private and byzantine-robust federated learning is accepted by USENIX Security 2025. Congrats to Xiaolan!
  • [Feb. 2024] Paper on consistency-validation of object guise is accepted by USENIX Security 2024!
  • [Nov. 2023] Honored to be elevated to IEEE fellow! Thanks to all my endorsers, past and current students and collaborators for making it possible!
  • [Aug. 2023] Congratulations to Bo Jiang, who passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense!
  • [Mar. 2023] Congratulations to Chenyi Wang, who won the Herbold Fellowship from the College of Engineering!
  • [Nov. 2022] Congratulations to Bo Jiang, who won the Fall 2022 ECE Outstanding Graduate Student Award!
  • [Jul. 2022] Congratulations to Yanmao Man, who passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense!
  • [Jul. 2022] Paper on misclassification attack detection for autonomous vehicles is accepted by USENIX Security 2023. Congrats to Yanmao!
  • [May 2022] Collaborative work on wireless spiking of smart locks won Best Paper Award at the IEEE SafeThings 2022 Workshop.
  • [May 2022] Congratulations to Mohamed Seif, who passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense and will join Princeton University as a Postdoc!
  • [May 2022] Our poster on passive drone localization won the Best Poster Award at ACM WiSec 2022, and the People's Choice Award at the 2022 Graduate Poster Symposium in the ECE department of University of Arizona. Congrats to Mingshun and Zhiwu!
  • [Apr. 2022] The DRIVETRUTH paper got the GM Security AutoDriving Security Award at the AutoSec 2022 Workshop. Congrats to Raymond and Yanmao!
  • [Mar. 2022] Paper on physical tracker hijacking attacks is accepted by ACM CCS 2022. Congrats to Yanmao!
  • [Mar. 2022] Dr. Li is invited to serve on the TPCs of USENIX Security 2023, and ACM SenSys 2022.
  • [Jan. 2022] Dr. Li is invited to serve as a TPC Co-Chair of IEEE CNS 2022. Please consider submitting your works.
  • [Jan. 2022] Congratulations to Yanjun Pan, who joined the CSE Department at University of Arkansas as an Assistant Professor!
  • [Dec. 2021] Congratulations to Tianchi Zhao, who passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense!
  • [Nov. 2021] Congratulations to Mingshun Sun, who passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense!
  • [Oct. 2021] Paper on proof-of-following for vehicular platoons is accepted by NDSS 2022. Congrats to Ziqi, Jingcheng and Yanjun!
  • [Aug. 2021] Congratulations to all the AEOP URAP/HSAP students for what they have done over the summer! Read news article here.
  • [Jul. 2021] Congratulations to Yanjun Pan, who successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation!
  • [Jun. 2021] Excited to start the URAP/HSAP summer apprenticeship program!
  • [May 2021] New DURIP grant on "A Millimeter-Wave Communication System for Wireless Security and Networking Research and Education" is awarded. Thank ARO for the support!
  • [May 2021] Paper on man-in-the-middle attack resistant key generation is accepted by ACM Mobihoc 2021. Congrats to Yanjun and Ziqi!
  • [Jul. 2020] Our ACM WiSec 2020 paper won the Best Paper Award! Congrats to Mingshun and Yanmao!
  • [May 2020] Paper on perception domain attack against camera-based image classification is accepted by RAID 2020. Congrats to Yanmao!
  • [Apr. 2020] Paper on vehicle motion verfication with a single receiver is accepted by ACM WiSec 2020. Congrats to Mingshun and Yanmao!
  • [Apr. 2020] Paper on multi-dimensional order-preserving matching is accepted by ACM Mobihoc 2020. Congrats to Yanjun!
  • [Feb. 2020] Paper on input-discriminative LDP is accepted by IEEE ICDE 2020. Congrats to Xiaolan!
  • [Dec. 2019] Paper on enhancing PHY-layer security using channel randomization is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2020. Congrats to Yanjun!
  • [Nov. 2019] Paper on privacy-preserving key-value data collection is accepted by USENIX Security 2020. Congrats to Xiaolan!
  • [Aug. 2019] Paper on single-frame based intrusion detection and prevention for in-vehicle networks is accepted by ACSAC 2019! Congrats to Yanmao.
  • [Aug. 2019] Paper on enhancing LAA/WiFi coexistence using interference cancellation is accepted by IEEE DySPAN 2019.
  • [Apr. 2019] Poster on perceived adversarial examples is accepted to IEEE S&P 2019 (Oakland).
  • [Mar. 2019] Paper on crowdsourced device fingerprinting accepted to ACM WiSec 2019.
  • [Feb. 2019] Two papers (on Local Information Privacy with uncertain priors, and hierarchical Thompson Sampling) are accepted by IEEE ICC 2019. Congrats to Bo and Tianchi!
  • [Jul. 2018] Our paper "'On the Privacy and Utility Tradeoff in Database-Assisted Dynamic Spectrum Access'" has been accepted by IEEE DySPAN 2018. Congratulations to Ahmed!
  • [Mar. 2018] Our paper "On the Throughput Limit of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Reconfigurable Antennas" has been accepted by IEEE SECON 2018. Congratulations to Yanjun!
  • [Mar. 2018] Paper "Are Friends of My Friends Too Social? Limitations of Location Privacy in a Socially-Connected World" has been accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2018!
  • [Mar. 2018] Paper "Secure Device Bootstrapping without Secrets Resistant to Signal Manipulation Attacks" has been accepted by IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2018!
  • [Feb. 2018] Three papers are accepted to IEEE CNS 2018. Congratulations to Bo and Mingshun!
  • [Jan. 2018] Dr. Li is awarded as one of the 100 Distinguished TPC member of IEEE Infocom 2018!
  • [Dec. 2017] Dr. Li is elevated to IEEE Senior Member!
  • [Nov. 2017] Paper "SFIRE: Secret-Free In-band Trust Establishment for COTS Wireless Devices" has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018!
  • [Sept. 2017] Our paper "Message Integrity Protection over Wireless Channel: Countering Signal Cancellation via Channel Randomization" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC). Congratulations to Yanjun!
  • [Jun. 2017] Two papers are accepted by the 5th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS 2017)!
  • [May 2017] Our paper "HELP: Helper-Enabled In-Band Device Pairing Resistant Against Signal Cancellation" has been accepted by USENIX Security 2017!
  • [Apr. 2017] Congratulations to Boyang Wang, who has passed his Ph.D. defense and will join the EECS Department at the University of Cincinnati as a tenure-track Assistant Professor this Fall!
  • [Mar. 2017] Our paper "Attacker-Induced Traffic Flow Instability in a Stream of Semi-Automated Vehicles" has been accepted by the 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2017)!
  • [Mar. 2017] Our paper "FastGeo: Efficient Geometric Range Queries on Encrypted Spatial Data" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)!
  • [Dec. 2016] Dr. Li obtains a courtesy appointment from the Department of Computer Science at University of Arizona.
  • [Oct. 2016] Dr. Li is invited as a Symposium Co-Chair for IEEE ICC 2018, Communications and Information System Security Symposium.
  • [Oct. 2016] Dr. Li is appointed as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC).
  • [Aug. 2016] Our paper “The Onion Name System: Tor-powered Decentralized DNS for Tor Onion Services” has been accepted to the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS 2017)!
  • [Jul. 2016] Congratulations to Yantian Hou, who successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation!
  • [Mar. 2016] Congratulations to Yantian Hou, who has accepted a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position from the Department of Computer Science at Boise State University!
  • [Mar. 2016] Dr. Li received the 2016 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (YIP)!
  • [Nov. 2015] The WiSeR Lab has two papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2016!
  • [Nov. 2015] Our ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2015 vision paper “Privacy-Preserving Inference of Social Relationships from Location Data” won the CCC Blue Sky Ideas Award (third place) by the Computing Research Association’s Computing Community Consortium (CCC)!
  • [Aug. 2015] The WiSeR Lab has moved to the ECE department of University of Arizona!

[News Archive: 2012-2015]